Since 2008 Ewing-Leavitt Insurance has proudly supported Realities for Children, an organization that serves northern Colorado children who have been abused, neglected, or who are at risk. Rather than exchange holiday gifts in the office, agency employees pool their money, which is then matched by agency owners and donated to the charity’s NightLights program. Ewing-Leavitt Insurance also helps with Realities for Children’s Bikes For Tykes program, which provides bicycles and new helmets to children. Agency employees help set up the bike and helmet distribution and add decorative bows to the gifts to add to the magic of picking the perfect bike.
Ewing-Leavitt Insurance also works with Loveland Habitat for Humanity. This year agency employees worked at two build sites, on two separate occasions in November. They were able to have a fun, team-building activity, learn new skills, and help two different families live in a safe, affordable home.